Warning: This report could give you the power of uncontrollable laughter!

"Who Else Wants to Make Others Laugh So Hard That Coffee
Comes Out of Their Noses?"

You have seen them.
You have watched them from afar.
You have even wanted to be more like them.

They are the funny and charming individuals who weave effortlessly through crowded galas, restaurants and events, making people smile and laugh, and always in demand at both business and social functions. They are never at a loss for associates, friends and lovers. They are the people that everyone wants to sit by, to talk to and to have around.

"These are the people who have developed
 their own unique sense of humor!

From: Seekwave eBook Store #1100

Dear Humorous Friend,

Do you want to know why humor is so important?

Quite simply, humor makes other people happy. Why do you think that most people who fill out questionnaires about what they find attractive in a mate list "a sense of humor" as one of the top two most attractive features about a person? Because humor joins people together in a bond of camaraderie, emotion and trust! Many people judge the physical appearance of funny people much higher than the physical appearance of dull people even if their actual looks are about the same!

In addition, humor is HEALTHY! People who laugh have less stress, and less stress means fewer health problems!


Well, we are not talking about cheesy knock-knock jokes or offensive humor that hurts people. We are talking about the uplifting kind of humor that draws people together!

Humor can take on many forms:


How many of these best fit you?

The experts agree on one thing though - Humor is good for you! Humor can

Increase your physical health
Strengthen your family
Make you more marketable at work
Increase you attractiveness socially and romantically
Reduce your stress

"Great! How can you easily develop a sense of humor?
It's EASY! You already have one!"

The Laugh Factor: How to Develop Your Own Unique Sense of Humor will help you discover your inner sense of humor and develop it into an appealing aspect of your personality. The good news is that everyone has a sense of humor, different from others' and unique to you and your personality. Some people just need help identifying and nurturing this sense of humor.

The Laugh Factor: How to Develop Your Own Unique Sense of Humor will help you to:

Examine your past for clues to your own humor style.
Analyze your relationships for insights into what you consider truly funny.
Find the humor in everyday situations that surrounds you.
Discover and develop the humor in your friends, family, and business associates.
Lighten up a tense or dull situation in an appropriate manner.
Use humor to your social and political advantage.
Develop higher levels of communication with family and friends through humor.
Deepen relationships using humor.
Encourage an atmosphere of joviality and fun.
Differentiate between helpful and harmful humor and always utilize the helpful.
Engage in the subtleties and nuances of humor rather than the cheesy, slapstick style that turns people off.
Gauge a situation as to the appropriateness of humor.
Learn to laugh at yourself, including your own failures.
Tell jokes the professional way.
Get past the "tough room".
Use humor to help dispel family problems.
Raise children properly using humor.
Know what parents are teaching their children that are detrimental to the development of their kids' sense of humor.
Discover what adults can learn from babies in regards to humor.
Know why you should encourage your child's sense of humor.
Use humor to enhance your child's social skills.
Use humor to save you from the drudgery of work.
Know a safe way to introduce humor at the workplace.
Come up with those inside jokes.
Know what jokes to avoid telling.
Use humor to communicate information more effectively to your audience.
Apply humor so you can make messages easier to accept.
Use humor to live up public speaking.
Be humorous when the unexpected comes.
Handle the chatterboxes while giving your speech.
Know the simplest, most spontaneous, and contagious type of communication ever devised.
Know the underlying reason why laughter is the best medicine.
True story of how laughter saved a man from a life-threatening illness.

and so much more!

In The Laugh Factor: How to Develop Your Own Unique Sense of Humor, you will find several examples from the world's funniest writers, poets, media personalities and speakers as well as samples of funny material in a variety of styles. It provides actual research, facts and interesting anecdotes from experts in an array of fields, including medicine, psychology, publishing, and theology.

It leads you STEP-BY-STEP through the process of developing, practicing and refining your humorous self. Most importantly, it teaches you how to know yourself and how to use humor for the betterment of yourself and for the society in which you live.


With the lessons you learn in The Laugh Factor: How to Develop Your Own Unique Sense of Humor, you will never be at a loss for social engagements. People will miss you when you are not around and even reschedule events to make sure you can attend! All this will happen when you awaken the inner humor that already lives inside of you!

"Laughter and joy are just a click away!"

How much would you pay to be healthier, happier, surrounded by friends, valued by coworkers and bosses and admired by even your own kids, siblings and parents?

For a limited time, you can get The Laugh Factor: How to Develop Your Own Unique Sense of Humor for only $1.89


Seekwave eBook Store #1100

P.S. So what are you waiting for? Don't you realize that you could be in the midst of a group of laughing and happy people right now?

P.P.S. Start being the person that everyone wants to be around.

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