Alert! You can get the lowdown on winning the office politics game right now in this just-released report. A must-have! "Finally
Revealed! From: Seekwave eBook Store #1100 Dear Friend, Do you sometimes feel like your place of work is more dangerous than a swamp full of alligators? Are there shady characters lurking behind the photocopier disguised as reliable team players in your office? You're not likely to see this news on the daily headlines anytime soon, but if you ask your friends, many of them would have hair-raising stories to tell. Stories like Rick's: Rick came out of engineering school ready to conquer the world, and got what seemed like a good job in a large company in his town. He was a hard worker, and thought he could get ahead in his job by showing how capable he was. But his director suddenly became very cool and distant, and his co-workers started avoiding him. A couple of weeks later, someone less qualified than he was got the promotion he had been hoping for. He was pretty confused, until he finally put two and two together. The knife between his shoulder blades was an invisible one, but just as harmful as a real one in its own way. Rick finally caught on that his chances had been wiped out by a smear campaign carried on behind his back, but by then it was too late. Unfortunately, this kind of story is played out every day, in ordinary settings that look a lot like the office where you work. Sure,
we all hear stories like this from time to time, but we don't always realize
how widespread it is, until it happens to a friend, a loved one or to
ourselves. Then we begin to understand, and then it happens again, with
a new twist, and again. By the time we figure out how to deal with all
the various underhanded tactics that people can think of to unfairly steal
a promotion that was rightly yours, or gain influence over the boss at
your expense, well, you may be getting pretty close to retirement, and
those lost opportunities will never come back.
You shout in indignation, "Why didn't anyone warn me while there was still time?" It's
true. Up until now, we have been pretty much on our own trying to defend
ourselves when unscrupulous people resort to unsavory tactics to gain
influence or advantages. Tactics that we wouldn't stoop to use, but that
we need to know about to block those people and keep them from taking
an unfair advantage over us.
The cat is out of the bag!
This is just a part of what is about to be revealed to you in this report. Without this essential knowledge, you will be at a definite disadvantage, one that a few unscrupulous people won't hesitate to profit from. By buying Office Politics:How to Navigate the Undercurrents of Office Politics and Stay Afloat today, you'll be making sure you get a fair chance to get ahead in your job. You can Download This Life-Changing Report Now For Only $1.89 Sincerely, Seekwave eBook Store #1100 P.S. Don't forget that you could gain back the modest price of this book many times over by preventing your career from being sabotaged, not to mention the peace of mind that the positive techniques in it can help you to attain. P.P.S. By the way, maybe it'd be just as well if you didn't read this report when you're at work; you don't want them to know that you know what they're up to, do you? |